Elon Musk presents major Tesla Bots upgrades

  • A new video from today’s Tesla shareholder meeting reveals upgraded bots 
  • Significant changes in the performance of Tesla Bots 
Elon Musk presents major Tesla Bots upgrades

Just a few hours ago Tesla uploaded new footage of its Tesla Bots, showing off major improvements in their functionality and movement. It’s an important move for the company and its CEO, Elon Musk, after the recent criticism of Tesla’s AI and the failure with self-driven cars.

In the video, presented by Elon Musk during today’s shareholder meeting, the Tesla Bots showed significant progress in comparison with their initial release at Tesla's AI Day event last year. Then the issues and incompleteness of these humanoid robots were clear as they were presented in a disassembled state and struggled to perform basic locomotion tasks.

Major Tesla Bots upgrades

Now Tesla Bots were seen confidently walking forward without any of the stumbling issues encountered during their initial presentation. These humanoid robots have also demonstrated the ability to pick up objects and identify items.

Moreover, the robots presented today resemble a production model, albeit moving at a slower pace. Elon Musk mentioned that the team assembled the showcased robot just the night before the event, although this claim can be just a move from the eccentric CEO, who often makes bold announcements, to promote bots.

The video emphasizes several noteworthy updates to the Tesla Bot project including motor torque control, environment recognition, and learning, AI training based on human movements, and object manipulation. Thanks to these modifications, a Tesla Bot was shown successfully picking up objects from one container and transferring them to another, highlighting the bot's ability to learn from human demonstrations.

Overall, with such advancements, Tesla's bots seem to be moving forward from their early stages as wearable devices into potential commercial products in the form of humanoid robots. They appear to be well ahead of their development journey, so it is expected that production of the Tesla Bots will commence along with the company’s intensified efforts in AI development and robotics.

Nataliia Huivan
Nataliia Huivan
Professional author in IT Industry

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