Bing’s page visits exceed Google’s

  • Google’s strong competitor 
  • Bing’s page visits growth thanks to AI technology 
Bing’s Page Visits Exceed Google’s

Join the search engine revolution with Bing! Thanks to the integration of OpenAI's technology, Bing has become a strong competitor to Google. According to data from Similarweb, page visits on Bing have increased by 15.8% since Microsoft Corporation unveiled its AI-powered version on February 7. In contrast, the Alphabet Inc-owned search engine saw a decrease of closely 1%, data till March 20 showed. These figures indicate the leadership that Windows maker has taken in the rapid race with Google for generative AI domination.

Bing's success is based on ChatGPT, the viral chatbot that many specialists have called AI's "iPhone moment." This technology provides Bing with a rare opportunity to make inroads in the over $120 billion search market. Despite Google's dominance for decades with a share of more than 80 %, Microsoft is gaining ground.

Besides, managing editor of tech publication Windows Central - Jez Gorden - mentioned in its tweet that Bing is “beating Google on some pieces”.

Gil Luria, an analyst at D.A. Davidson & Co, predicts that Bing will continue to gain market share in search over the next few months, especially if Google continues to postpone the attaching of generative AI to its product. Bing AI has been available to most users worldwide since February, while Google only began the public announcement of its chatbot Bard on Tuesday.

Data from an app research firm also shows that app downloads for Bing have jumped 8 times globally after AI integration, while downloads for the Google search app fell by 2% in the same period.

While some analysts still believe that Google will overcome its early setbacks and maintain its lead, it is clear that Bing's AI integration has already given it a significant boost. As Luria points out, "Bing has less than a 10th of Google's market share, so even if it converts 1 % or 2 % of users, it will be materially beneficial to Bing and Microsoft."

Overall, don't miss out on the opportunity to join the Bing revolution and experience the power of AI search.

Nataliia Huivan
Nataliia Huivan
Professional author in IT Industry

Author of articles and news for Atlasiko Inc. I do my best to create qualified and useful content to help our website visitors to understand more about software development, modern IT tendencies and practices. Constant innovations in the IT field and communication with top specialists inspire me to seek knowledge and share it with others.

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