Discord Bids Farewell to AI Chatbot Clyde: Cessation Announced

  • Access to Discord AI Chatbot will be closed from the beginning of next month.
  • What do we know about the reasons for this decision?
Discord Waves Goodbye to AI Chatbot Clyde

Discord, the popular communication platform, is bidding farewell to Clyde, its experimental AI chatbot. In a recent support note, the company announced that Clyde will be "deactivated" by the end of the month, making it unavailable in DMs, Group DMs, and server chats starting from December 1st.

Discord had initially introduced Clyde's AI capabilities earlier this year, leveraging OpenAI's models to enable the chatbot to answer queries and engage in conversations with Discord users. Despite undergoing limited testing, the company had ambitious plans to integrate Clyde as a core element of its chat and communities app.

Discord had Introduced Clyde's AI Capabilities Earlier this Year

Discord has not provided explicit reasons for the shutdown, leaving users curious about the future of Clyde. Kellyn Slone, Discord's Director of Product Communications, offered a glimpse into the situation, stating, "Clyde is an experiment shared with a small percentage of servers. Discord is constantly working on bringing users new features and experiences. Clyde is one iteration of this work, and we look forward to unveiling new user experiences in the future.’

Discord's experimentation with AI extends beyond Clyde. Notably, the platform has been testing AI-generated conversation summaries, allowing users to catch up on discussions they may have missed, a particularly valuable feature for servers spanning diverse time zones.

Moreover, Discord aims to solidify its position as a hub for AI developers, offering funds and resources to support the creation of AI applications tailored for the Discord environment. As the curtain falls on Clyde, Discord remains at the forefront of innovation, promising a future filled with new and exciting user experiences.

Tetiana Rafalovych
Tetiana Rafalovych
Professional author in IT Industry

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